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Packaged System

What is a packaged system?
A traditional split system has an indoor section commonly found in an attic, garage, or closet connected to an outdoor unit by line-sets that run between the two. A packaged system contains the “indoor” and outdoor sections in one self-contained cabinet that is located outdoors. They provide a single packaged cabinet with the necessary components to heat and/or cool all the rooms of your home. Packaged systems usually consist of some combination of an air conditioner, furnace, evaporator coils, condensers, humidifiers, air handlers and other components.


What are the benefits of packaged systems? 
There are several advantages to using packaged systems for your temperature control and comfort needs:


  1. Cost Savings - Installing a packaged system can save you money in both energy costs and installation costs. By having all the necessary components in one place, you don’t have to pay extra labor costs to install multiple units throughout your home.

  2. Energy Efficiency - Packaged systems can be more energy efficient than a split system because the “indoor” and outdoor sections have been tested together to optimize performance. This means that packaged systems can help you save on electricity bills while still providing effective temperature and comfort control.

  3. Space Efficiency - Because packaged systems are housed in a single cabinet outdoors, they do not take up significant space indoors like a split system. Packaged systems can fit many unique applications from a side-discharge ground-level application to various rooftop applications. 

  4. Easy Maintenance - Since packaged systems often have all their key components in one place (e.g., 90% single-side service), maintenance is much easier than with split system units. You don’t have to search for each component when something needs attention - just open the cabinet and get to work! 

Choosing the right packaged system
When selecting a packaged system, there are several factors to consider: 


  1. Size and Capacity - Make sure you select a packaged system that is appropriate for the size of your home and can provide adequate temperature and humidity control. 

  2. Type - There are different types of packaged systems available including air conditioner systems, dual fuel hybrid systems, gas/electric systems, and heat pump systems. Consider the type that would work best for your climate and budget, while considering your utilities and government rebates/incentives. 

  3. Efficiency Ratings - Look for energy efficient models that come with good ratings from Energy Star or other organizations like AHRI (Air Conditioning Heating Refrigeration Institute). This will help ensure that you are getting a packaged system that will provide efficient performance and cost savings for the long run. 

  4. Installation - Packaged systems generally require professional installation services. (Find a Trane packaged system installer near you.) 

What types of packaged systems are available?
Depending on your needs, you can select from the many types of packaged systems.


Packaged air conditioner

A packaged air conditioner is a perfect solution for homes in warmer areas of the country that have limited space for a split system. 


Packaged heat pump

A packaged heat pump system combines heating, air conditioning and air-handling all in one unit. These systems offer an energy efficient solution for homes in mild climates.


Packaged dual fuel (Earthwise™ hybrid)

A dual fuel packaged system warms your home with either an electric heat pump or a gas furnace based on the weather outside, so you’re always using the most efficient method to stay warm.


Packaged gas/electric

A packaged gas electric system offers you electric air conditioning and gas heating. In warm weather, it’s an all-electric high-efficiency air conditioner. In cold weather, it provides warmth from natural gas or propane, giving you the best of both energy worlds.

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